Marriage Equality

The flag above is the US flag in the colors of the Gay Pride Flag representing the colors of the rainbow. Since the 1970's it have been symbolic for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. (LGBT).

Gay Marriage Should Be Legal

 In the article “Gay Marriage Should be Legal”, James Kellard analyzes the reason people do not allow same sex marriage. For the people who do not agree gays can not be married in holy matrimony it is an argument to protect the “Institution of Marriage”. Kellard states the only reason people do get marriage is for love, which proves gays getting married is not a threat. If the divorce rate of over 50% is a reason for no more divorcing why not outlaw divorce. Kellard came across the argument of protecting children from them becoming gay is more of an argument than having a child without a family or in an abusive household is more of an issue. Having the idea of a man and a women being the perfect couple to raise a child is the image of a perfect family but it is not reality. He stands with the argument of everyone being entitled to their own belief and that is where religion falls in. Although there is freedom of religion Kellard reveals conservatives not having the right to express their freedom of religion to conforming to their beliefs. The fourth-teen amendment actually protects same sex marriage rights. As he states, all citizens are given the right to equality.

Kellard, James. “Gay Marriage Should Be Legal.” Gay Marriage (2012) Gale Group. Web. 16 April 2013.
Neil Patrick Harris with husband David Burtka and children
"Spot the difference... there isn't one."


 Redefine Marriage For Same Love

In certain parts of the United States, Gay's right to marry has been denied on account of their sexual orientation. Since the 1960's when same gender relationships were exposed to the mass media, gays have been criticized and looked down upon because they were seen as different from the rest. Over the years as people began to accept these relationships it still has been difficult for many others to adjust; not only in the United States but around the world. Even though gays have a different sexual orientation, for some people they have been viewed as negatively different, and been unprivileged to marry their significant other. Through obstacles like the institution of marriage, the roles of each gender, raising children, and the federal laws, marriage should be redefined to include all equal citizens.

The idea of having same sex couples getting married has made a great amount of society afraid that the institution of marriage will be ruined. People who are against the union of a same sex couples believe the institution of marriage between a man and a woman should be protected. What most people are not aware of are the real threats to the institution of marriage. There are actually people in this world that wed for money, social status, and even governmental benefits. For example, instead of two people that are in love being denied to get married, there are others who might be getting married for money, power and even for freedom like Mr. Pritchett's wife in The One Amazing Thing. In One Amazing Thing Chitra Divakaruni writes about an earthquake uniting different people in a visa office. As all nine people become involved, they begin to open up about their life story. Just like Mrs. Pritchett, her marriage was for the wrong reasons like to be free from her old life yet their relationship is disintegrating. Although the US has became a corporation, marriage is not an economical business or a get-away. Marriage has been brought upon religion that is why it has been problematic for religious believers.

A main controversy against redefining gay marriage is religion. One of religion's main faith is for marriage and that is why it is such a sacred ceremony. Although there are religious believers who are against same sex marriage, there has been religious people who are for it. It might infuriate a fellow church goer because its violating against ones beliefs. Even though most people believe arguing what one believes it is an act of freedom of religion, it violates an others'. Religion is known for the union of a man and a woman which in this case is disgraced through church by the union of the same genders. People need to become aware that society is far more ahead in time which means people's moral ethics and beliefs have changed, just like the role of a man and a woman.

Many people believe marriage is considered sacred between a man and a woman because its meant for procreation. The form marriage is considered as a way to create a family. People try to protect marriage by stating gays would not be able to teach the role of a man and a woman. It began as a debate why creating a family needs both opposite sexes to help develop a child. What most do not acknowledge is how modern families are today. Besides giving gays the opportunity to give a child a home, there are families who do not have a mother or father, single families, and abusive homes. Although there is nothing wrong with single families, who would not want a duo's support to raise a child and especially who would want a child to be physically and mentally hurt in a destructed home. Although gays adopting switches to a different subject, same genders raising a child does not have a negative effect on giving a child a loving home. Same genders creating a proper family is feared by many parents to also protect younger generations.

Society's view on same genders varies, but most are concerned if public schools will teach gay marriage. A new argument has been discussed on children learning about gay marriage and how it would influence them. Schools in fact do not have a marriage class to teach or explain what to do in a marriage for even heterosexuals. Children are in school and watch television and have access to the internet, it would be difficult for parents who would want to protect a child from what is going on in the world. Although this may be a concern to some parents, there is no wrong in becoming perceptive with others. A great aspect is being open minded and sensitive with what others are going through and that is the reason why some people cannot understand why same sexes would want to be married. Instead being considerate, rulings like the DOMA Act and Proposition 8 have been taken in action.

Supporters are finally gaining the support they need since they are finding it difficult themselves to act on because of acts like the Defense of Marriage Act and Proposition 8 in California pulled them backwards. In 1996 president Bill Clinton signed the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), a law that restricts federal marriage benefits and only allows inter-state marriage between heterosexuals. Another case happened in California in 2008 with Proposition 8 to ban gay marriage within the state. In California it was a great issue since it has been passed especially since it is such a liberal state. Since then there has been an drastic support on same sex marriage. On Washington Post- ABC News poll support for gay marriage struck at its highest with 53 percent leaving respondents against it with 39 percent. Even though in California there are more liberals votes for yes on prop 8 overruled in 2008 which could possibly mean people might have been misinformed. There are nine states that allow same sex marriage, four states that allow civil unions, and three states the allow domestic partnership. People who are meant for each other should not have federal boundaries that keeps them away from each other. Marriage is a constitutional right, man or woman with the same gender should not be discriminated. In further regards for the future laws with President Obama, people should be well informed and well communicative.

President Barack Obama is considering to allow gay marriage but the president himself finds it difficult to take this favor in action. Minorities fighting stages like the civil rights movement, woman’s right to vote, and now gay marriage have always been under the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment states all citizens of the U.S. Should be treated equal. Whether one is gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender there are still born under the law of the U.S., they are still born with all human rights and should be treated as an equal citizen. For President Obama, he gained his support for gay marriage through friends, family, and all the people who fight in battle for the US. Obama interviewed for ABC and came about why he's been hesitate for the equality of the Lesbian Gay Bisexual transgender (LGBT) community. Being in favor and believing civil unions were “sufficient”, Obama states the word “marriage” is what is effecting“powerful traditions, religious beliefs, and so forth” not allow it. Since Obama's second term in 2012, he has more supporters by his side and support for the LGBT community.

Redefining marriage is not about changing another beliefs, it is about considering others. The institution of marriage has been a symbolic term for the politic; no one can define what a marriage really is unless they go through it. Religion does have a big stance on marriage but no one against gay marriage will have a say unless they are going through it themselves. It has been a long procress for gays to finally be and become accepted for their sexual orientation. For Obama's new term, supporters and gays should not give up on hope. New generations should be accepted from all people. Also continue to be aware of all information and communicate with one another. People are born here with all equal rights, therefore should be all treated equal.

Work Cited

Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee. One Amazing Thing. New York: Voice/Hyperion, 2009. Print.

Jost, Kenneth. “Gay Marriage Showdowns.” 18.33(2012).CQ Researcher. Web. 26 April 2013. Discusses why banning gay marriage violates constitutional rights due to the “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” policy. The ruling of proposition 8 and DOMA act has affected gay couples and also suicides rise since harassment to gays. Reasons why the the president comes in favor of same sex marriage and why states are against it.

Kellard, James. “Gay Marriage Should Be Legal.”Gay Marriage (2012) Gale Group. Web. 16 April 2013. Reasons why same sex marriage is not a threat to the institution of marriage because there are far more threats other than same genders being together. Society's ideal father and mother are not the reality of today, being raised by a same gender couple has a positive impact than being raised in a neglected family. Debating that banning gay marriage is unconstitutional.

Nimocks, Austin R. “Gay Families Can Never Be The Same as traditional Families.” Gay Parenting (2013) Gale Group. Web. 16 April 2013. Argues about same sex marriage because of the belief of ruining human existence. By having same genders being together it would decrease the amount of procreation and does not help children understand the role of a man and a woman. Statistics have shown the negative effect and also why the necessity of having both opposite sex as parents help the development of a child. Other court rulings against repealing the DOMA act have no support instead gives more interest to protect the union of a man and a woman.